The first player to reach 10 is the loser, and whoever’s avocado is on the lowest space has the satisfaction of clinging to their youth. However, if the corresponding “young” prompt also applies to you (for example, “Reddit is your main source of information”), it cancels out the old, and you stay where you are. For every “old” prompt that applies to you (for example, “You kept a box because it’s a nice box”), move your mini-avocado one space along the Path. Each card has two prompts: an “old” prompt and a “young” prompt. Every player gets a “Path to Getting Old” card and a mini-avocado.

This card game from Vango Toys is perfect for my fellow geriatric millennials. Basically, these are the toys that I saw and thought, “I absolutely need to have these.” Image: Vango Toys You’re Getting Old These are presented in no particular order and are purely based on my own personal preferences. You can check out our Twitter for a more thorough round-up of what I saw, but I’d like to highlight the top 5 items I saw at Play Date. Today was a pretty amazing event, including breakfast and lunch and showcasing some awesome toys that I’m excited about.

Co-sponsored by Toy Insider, the Toy Association, and The Toybook, Play Date was held in a showroom on Madison Avenue and featured 42 companies, including LEGO, Spin Master, and Playmates. I’m not sure if these events are becoming more frequent or if I’m just now starting to get invited to these things, but today I was lucky enough to attend Play Date.