The pokeball is a really great piece on its own. The entry says, ‘When its huge eyes light up, it sings a mysteriously soothing melody that lulls its enemies to sleep.’ The artwork on the back of the card is the same as the one on the box. The back actually looks like a real Pokemon card, with information about her length and weight, evolutionary line (pre-Igglybuff, of course!), as well as a pokedex and type description. The front features a reproduction of her official artwork from the original release of the anime series, different from the one on the box. Like I said, my Jigglypuff card is in pretty bad shape, but I still love it! Jigglypuff merchandise is pretty uncommon, so I take what I can get. The Jigglypuff box actually features the same artwork as the Jigglypuff backpack I reviewed a while back. My box is pretty scuffed up, but you get the idea.

One side shows pictures of the front and back of the card, and the back of the box shows the other 5 in the set. The box features art of the pokemon card inside, so you know exactly what you’re getting. Mine didn’t (since it was a gift), but I’m fairly certain a new set comes with a certificate of authenticity. So with this item, you actually get quite a bit! It comes with a nice box, decorated on all four sides, a shiny pokeball, and a double-sided card. You can get one from $5-10, some even sealed and complete-in-box, so don’t get tricked into overpaying. I got all of mine as giveaways from friends who didn’t want them, but don’t worry about availability! You’d think that these would be popular and hard to find, but these are actually hugely available.

I traded a Mewtwo card for an, admittedly, beat-up Jigglypuff card, and I later obtained the box to complete the set. Now, I’ve personally got the Pikachu and Jigglypuff cards. These guys came out in 1999, so they’re way old! In addition to Jigglypuff, there is also a card for Charizard, Mewtwo, Poliwhirl, Togepi, and of course, Pikachu. Today, let’s take a look at an old Burger King promotional item: their gold-plated Jigglypuff Pokemon card!